Thoughts can be just Thoughts?

Really it’s as simple as that thoughts can be just thoughts they come in your mind and they leave as quick as a flash.

So why is it thoughts can have such a dramatic impact on our lives?.

There is no simple answer as to how thoughts come along we could say that its your subconscious being activated and giving you suggestions or the environment your in that triggers your train of thought.

However thoughts have a significant affect on our daily lives and in communication and behaviour.

How do thoughts have an impact ?

This is the formula I believe this is simplified


Thoughts are attached to feelings this creates actions and then behaviours.

Interesting its very simple but is so profound and generally thoughts generally come and go so when it is weighted with emotions, feelings it holds significance.

Our senses Sight, Smell, Taste, Feelings, Hearing has such a dramatic impact on our daily lives.

Just Try it out stop one of your senses and see how the others become heightened.

So hence this is why Hypnosis is so powerful as we tap into your subconscious mind and use your five sense to deeply embed suggestions. Whether your more Visual, Feelings, Sounds, Smells, Taste.

How to Conserve & Protect Your Energies

I have discovered whilst training as a Hypnotherapist how important it is to conserve and protect your energies and ways and means of infiltrating this.

My top tips to help you do Exactly this !
Conserving / Awareness
Please be aware of your own energy levels and understand that you need to take care of yourself. I cannot express to you how important this is.

I am now learning to put myself in the picture first self preservation.

Sometimes its the small things that are so simple like Breathing……..

Give yourself and few minutes and turn off all electrical devices and just sit still and close your eyes and listen to your breathing and slow it down. Listen to the natural rhythms of your Breathe. I am also using this breathing method whist working with my clients through Hypnosis.

Be Kind To Yourself

We can be are own worst enemies, so its time to say NO don’t be so critical of yourself if you make a mistake that’s OK. This is the way we learn if you don’t make mistakes life would be perfect and how could you learn from them.

Time Out

Please be aware of people who can be negative at times, as they will naturally absorb your energies and you will find yourself becoming drained and exhausted.

Here's an example:

I work as a Sales Manager in a large open plan office and I am have a team of 10 people I manage. I find most of my fellow colleagues are generally positive and motivated .

However some of my colleagues can be very challenging at times and it takes a lot of dedicated time, training, and energy on my part to help them change their mind set.

As my day is coming to a close I sometimes find myself looking forwards to going home its a tough environment to work in Sales. I feel exhausted looking forwards to being at home having a glass of wine and something to eat and relax.

Protecting Your Energies
How do you Protect your energies may you ask?

Please be aware of your energy and of others as explained above. In addition it is imperative that you put into practise some basic methods to implement on a daily basis.

For Example:

I always recommend my clients, if you are able to visualise create a bubble around yourself in any shape or form. This can be in whatever colour you would like and tailor make this to suit. Your bubble that you have created will protect you from negatives energies and will bounce straight away from you.


Crystal and stones in history have been used for healing purposes and protection. The Rose Quartz is great for attracting love, Clear Quartz is great for clarity and healing.

I wear myself a Black Onyx bracelet for protecting my own energies whilst I am working and sometimes use also Black Tourmaline stone.

These are a few tips that you can try for yourself to see if it helps and everything I have written is completely based on my own personal experiences.

How I Became A Therapist

My Story on how I became a Therapist and how I used my strengths to drive me forwards and obtain a thirst for knowledge, and use my experiences for the greater good. I have found Hypnosis was really the catalyst for me to strive and move.


Hypnotherapy In Zurich -
Staying Motivated
It wasn't easy to stay motivated in times of hardship whilst a lot of people were stuck at home due to Covid.
I would advise the more you can help yourself by doing the small steps below in my video the better it will be.
Sending all my love and motivational energy to help you.

Self Hypnosis - Body Relaxation

I have decided to create a lovely video of myself, I am sure the first of many on hypnosis and other therapies I can help you with. I wanted to give the general public something back that you are able to do this for yourself whilst in lockdown. I understand how hard it is right now due to Corona and the stress and anxiety, Corona has brought to many people worldwide.

So to briefly outline to you this is a body relaxation technique that I learnt at the age of 15 years old and has helped me immensely.

All I ask of you is to RELAX and find a comfortable place whether it’s in your bedroom or your living room.

Please lie down or sit upright however you feel comfortable. Just please take three deep breaths in through the nose and out through the mouth.
(Read and follow the instructions or see video below the text)

I would like you now in your mind to follow the instructions below and repeat in your mind repetitively three times.

Relax your feet , Relax your feet, Relax your feet.

Same again but ankles, calves, knees, thighs, stomach, chest, shoulders, arms, hands ,fingers, necl, face muscles and head

The second stage is to imagine wonderful relaxing light coming from above your head shimmering, flowing. Please chose a colour of this healing relaxing light.

As this wonderful light is now moving all the way down your face muscles, neck , shoulders, arms hands, fingers, chest, stomach, thighs, knees, calves, feet and toes.

You are feeling this relaxation soothing your mind bodz and spirit making you feel so peaceful and relaxed.

Please feel free to choose whichever order you would like parts of your body to be relaxed its entirely your choice. Please feel free to have music playing in the background you could even allow your could imagination to take you to a special peaceful place for example yourself a beautuful deserted beach its completely upto YOU.

Just enjoy practising this technique and I can ensure you the more you do this the better and deeper relaxed you will become.

Please if you have any additional questions do not hesitate to contact me.

Thank You, Take Care and Stay Safe.


Light At The End Of The Tunnel

Hypnosis is the key.
Life can be challenging at times and I am sure that we have all have experienced different issues whether it’s Anxiety, Mental Health Issues, Depression, Lack of Confidence, Fears and Phobias, Sleeping Disorders, Public Speaking, Self Esteem Issues, and the list goes on and on.

I am here to tell you that it does not have to be this way anymore. Through my experiences of over 15 years as a Hypnotherapist and Holistic Practitioner, I know the amazing changes can be achieved with my help to guide you.

My experiences have given me the ability to naturally evolve and combine my therapies in an extremely unique way to ensure that you can achieve the best results.

I know how much courage it takes for you to pick up the phone and take that first step to help yourself, but trust me working together we can create a new path for you.

So there truly is Light At The End Of The Tunnel.

Neuroscientists say that hypnosis could actually help you focus better.

In my working career as a Clinical Hypnotherapist, I am so amazed by the results of Hypnotherapy really, the transformations I have seen from children to adults.
We generally go about our daily lives doing the things we need to do go to Work, Cooking, Cleaning, Parenting Children etc.
However, have you ever thought that the mind is always the driving force behind it? We are instructed by our mind?
Our bodies are governed by our thoughts … seconds of electrical impulses that are sent to our Brain. (Like electricity) If only we could use our brains to a full capacity we would be dangerous and that’s a fact!.

So 10% of our conscious side of our brain is used, but what about the 90% of our brain the subconscious, Creative, Imagination, Artistic?.

How can you tap into this 90%?

The mere act of just daydreaming, sleeping, relaxing are opening this part of your subconscious mind.

This is why Hypnosis is so powerful helping you to FOCUS on your goals and to achieve them.

So here’s a small piece from Quartz Reported by Katherine Ellen Foley.

Research from Stanford University shows that hypnosis actually changes the way blood flows to different areas of the brain. According to a study published (paywall) in Cerebral Cortex on Thursday (July 28), these patterns of activation indicate that patients who are hypnotized are better able to focus on a single task without worrying about their surroundings.

So finally it’s been acknowledged that the brain has an altered blood flow for patients who have Been Hypnotised I am sure there are going to even more further studies on the Brain patterns whilst under Hypnosis.

The mind is powerful, knowing, ready to be used to create and unlock your potential….

Sangita Hothi.

Hypnosis is the key

Over 15 Years of experience in the field of Hypnosis.
I have seen so many transformations in my working life. How you may ask this happens? it is the willingness to open your mind.
Some may say really? I honestly can say its as simple as this. I wish there was a guidebook for children on how your thoughts can be developed. As we are just not taught about mindset.
Unfortunately/ Fortunately we already start to create and form opinions from roughly the age of five. What we see, feel, think, know all these ideas, emotions are created and linked to our thought patterns.
So through your childhood, you created thoughts that can be significant, repetitive, and have emotions linked to this.
As you start to evolve from Childhood to adulthood you have pretty much created your foundation and perceptions from a young age. Everyday patterns have formed thoughts, beliefs, emotions etc.
No one tells you this is the right way of thinking, feeling, being etc. However, there are many thought patterns that are outdated and need to be changed or adapted.

So it is now as you moving through life you are beginning to change the old thought patterns its an ongoing process you constantly are learning new ideas, thoughts, feelings etc. However, some are still holding on to the old way possibly of thinking, misconceptions, old patterns and it’s only when you come to the realisation that the old is done and changes need to be made.

Is when you truly can upgrade to the newer you. I have many ways to help you, I will always be the Best Hypnotherapist I can be for you and use all the skills I have developed over my working experience to help transform your life to a happier place. You need to have trust in me and work with me as a team then the real work begins………

What conditions can Hypnotherapy Treat?

Our Minds are so extremely powerful that under Hypnosis there are so many conditions that can be treated for example:

Weight loss,
Fears & Phobias,
Public Speaking,
Stress & Anxieties,
Post traumatic stress disorders,
Emotional disorders,
etc etc..
The list goes on and on but here are a few above just to give you an idea.
What is the success rate of Hypnotherapy?
This is generally quite a difficult one to answer as it really depends on the individual. How much are you willing to put into your session ? The most effective way to get the maximum results is to be as open as you can be. Listen to your therapist and relax as much as possible and go with the flow. This honestly is the best advice I can give you.

This is a fabulous video I found on You TUBE explaining about Hypnotherapy its quirky and very interesting. Please watch it gives a different perspective on Hypnosis.